Music To My Ears


    Music to me is something that’s very big in my life. Without music in this world I feel like it would be somewhat awkward. I feel like music brings people closer together but people have different taste in music but that’s just things are. I feel like everyone in the world listens to music because sometimes a song really relates to someone and people have special moments in music to.Image result for music gif


    I think everyone in this world needs music in their life because music can really change someone’s mood and there attitude. Music is always a good thing to the people’s ears. Every day there are people listening to music it’s everywhere like 99% of the people you see on the freeway or anywhere driving they are listening to music. I think music is the best thing to ever come to this world because imagine riding in a car with no music. I feel like it would be so quiet and boring.Image result for music gif


      Overall that’s the way I think about music. Music will always be a big part of my life and I honestly think it will be a part of everybody’s life. People say that  pleasurable music had activated brain regions called the limbic and paralimbic areas. Music can change your mood, get you motivated, or help you concentrate. That’s why most teacher let their students listen to their own music so you can concentrate and not be distracted. I will always listen to music till the day I die.Image result for music gif

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